Journal Publications


1) Clinical Correlation of estrogen Receptor status in women presenting with breast cancer: A study of 30 cases.Sylhet Medical Journal Vol. 15, No. 2,
December 1993 P-62-64
2) Clinical experience with capecitabine as adjuvant therapy in different types of Gastrointestinal (GI) CancersJournal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 20, No.2, May, 2002, P-54-61.
3) Safety and efficacy of Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy in a developing country -our pioneering experience in Bangladesh.Journal of Dhaka Medical College. Vol-12, No-2,
October-2003 P-135-140
4) Lateral Internal sphincterotomy: The most rewarding operation for chronic anal fissure: Experience of 742 patients.Journal of Dhaka Medical College. Vol-13, No-1,
April-2004 P-27-31
5) Rubber ring ligation – an excellent Non-surgical method of treatment of Haemorrhoids: Experience of 1115 cases.Journal of Dhaka Medical College. Vol-14, No-1,
April-2005, P-4-9
6) Treatment of complete rectal prolapse by Delorme procedure – experience of 10 cases.Journal of Bangladesh Medical Vol-33, No-3,
July-2004. P-75-77
7) S-Anoplasty in the treatment of severe anal stenosis – our pioneering experience in Bangladesh.Journal of Dhaka Medical College. Vol-13, No-2,
October-2004, P-97-100,
8) Non-Traumatic Emergency Laparotomy-A Clinical Study of 200 Cases.Journal of Dhaka Medical College. Vol-14, No-2, October-2005, P-70-74

Prof. Dr. AKM Fazlul Haque Published highly circulated Book on “Piles, Constipation, Dysentery and Cancer”